Ac’cent on Animals and AOApets have evolved from Vahle’s Pet Shops, retail pet stores that have been in continuous operation in Philadelphia since 1866. Vahle’s was known for their expertise in the bird business, importing quality canaries and finches from relatives in Germany up until the outbreak of WWII. Vahle’s also imported many other exotic animals such as monkeys and parrots, mainly from South America. In addition to sales to the public, Vahle’s also supplied zoos around the country with many of these exotic animals. The business operated at 319 Market St. until 1972, and at 5th & Olney Ave. until 1992. Over the years, Vahle’s has also handled dogs, cats, tropical fish, and small animals such as rabbits and hamsters. But times change, and the decision was made to eliminate the sale of all live pets, and focus on quality food and supplies. Currently there are three Ac’cent on Animals and AOApets retail stores in operation in Philadelphia.